3 Lessen van Tobias van Schneider

3 Lessen van Tobias van Schneider

Tobias van Schneider (voorheen designer van Spotify) kreeg zijn 10 duizenden subscribers niet zomaar. Hij leerde veel dingen, soms op de pijnlijke manier. Dit zijn drie van zijn belangrijkste lessen.

  1. Don’t let your list get stale. “Email lists become outdated pretty quickly and people forget very easily why and when they signed up for your list. If you just skip a couple months of sending emails, and then do it again, people don’t remember who you are. You wouldn’t think that, but it’s true. An outdated email list is worth very little and is usually more trouble than it’s worth — and we’re not speaking about the legal aspects of sending emails to an outdated list.”
  2. Take unsubscribes in stride. “People unsubscribe for so many reasons. Don’t take them personally; move on and write for those who like what you do. Don’t write for those who threaten to unsubscribe. Let them go as quickly as possible. I encourage people on a regular basis to unsubscribe from my email list.”
  3. You can’t please everybody. “If you have had an established format for a while, it’s very hard to change without alienating someone. If people love what you do, they don’t want change. I’m always experimenting with the format, because I also get bored of my own stuff. But once you do, even if it’s just a slight change of language, people will protest.”

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